Learning to communicate in another language is hard work. We monitor each student’s progress closely and students will regularly receive feedback and suggestions to improve their performance.
The following assessment standards are used for Adult English Program only.
Course Grade Breakdown:
8 Unit Quizzes 60%
2 Speaking Evaluations 10%
Midterm Exam 10%
Final Exam 20%
Total: 100%
You must have a passing final grade to move to the next level.
A Excellent 90-100%
B Good 80-89% (80% required for passing grade)
F Failing 79% and below
Although students will not be given a grade for homework, students are expected to complete homework every day as it is an important part of the learning process.
Test makeup policy - Students have up to 8 classes from a missed test date to make up the grade or they will receive a 0. Students must meet with the teacher to schedule a time outside of class to make up the test.
Failing grade / retest policy - If a student receives a failing grade on a test, they will be given an opportunity to retest within 8 classes from when they receive the failing grade from the teacher. The second test grade will replace the first grade.
At times, a teacher may recommend a student repeat a level before continuing on to the next level. This can happen when a teacher observes that the student is lacking in one or more skills and is unlikely to be successful at a higher level. If a student is not yet prepared for the next level, it is beneficial to take the level again in order to increase proficiency and have more time to practice the material.
Attendance is defined as being present for the regularly scheduled class during the regularly scheduled hours. PELI expects students to attend all scheduled classes.
Poor attendance hinders students’ ability to learn and may result in failing grades. We monitor attendance closely.
In the event of an absence, students should see their instructors for missed assignments. It is a student’s responsibility to make up for all missed work, whether at home or during tutoring sessions.
Students who fail to maintain their attendance or who are absent more than 2 weeks without communicating to PELI staff will be unenrolled from their course, and unable to pass the course. The Program Director has the discretion to make exceptions to this policy in extenuating circumstances, and his/her decision is final.
To read the Student Code of Conduct:
To read the Adult ESL Refund Policy:
To learn about Private Tutoring opportunities:
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